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If you were to ask me what my biggest prayer request was, I would almost certainly say without delay that I need prayer for more wisdom to make truly Christ-like decisions each and every day.

For me, this has always loomed as an extremely important thing. I see very clearly where my personal understanding of life and the situations that come my way are very limited. There are so many things and decisions to be made that, if I were only to rely on my own understanding, I would never be able to see clearly enough to make a truly ‘wise’ decision. I need the Lord’s understanding to guide my ways, not my own mind.

Many times I am asked by my missionaries about what our plans are for the coming days or weeks. They have come to expect the answer that I nearly always give them: “I don’t know”. I might have an idea of what needs to be done and what we might be able to accomplish, but the variables are still too numerous and the time still too far in the future to be able to speak with certainty about our ‘plans’. So, I say “I don’t know” until God’s plan begins to take shape.

It is such a blast to look back over a series of events that were unplanned by the human mind, but so obviously orchestrated by God. Let’s pray that this experience would not be the exception, but the norm, in our lives!