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A month or so ago I wrote about the problems I have been having with our ministry website. Well, the problems have been almost all worked out. Here is an update on the situation:

First, our website address has actually changed from goingworldwide.INFO to www.goingworldwide.ORG

Second, because of the change in address, some of the links and many of the pictures on the site are not uploading as they should. This is a temporary problem that I probably won’t have time to fix until December sometime.

Our website primarily exists both to share more about what we do here in Asia’s Highlands, AND to encourage fellow believers to take part in the mission that God has called His Church to accomplish in this generation.

Please take the time to visit our site, and if you see something you like, feel free to share it with someone else. I will be fixing and updating the site as soon as I have more time.