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Gabriel’s Fever

Please pray for Gabriel. The past couple of days he has been battling a fever. We went to the doctor this morning here in Malaysia and he said that it is most likely a virus that has been going around … Read more about Gabriel’s Fever


--- Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."  It seems like almost all of the confusion and fighting in the world has … Read more about Homeland


Yesterday was a really, really hot day! Even with the a/c cranked up all the way, the walls on the inside of the beach chalet felt like touching the outside of an oven. Today is hot … Read more about Hot

Jellyfish Attack

We are still here on the beach, and we will be here for another 10 days or so. The biggest issue we have had to deal with so far is the large number of jellyfish that seem to like these waters as much … Read more about Jellyfish Attack