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I just finished reading the book 'House' by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. It was quite a book! If you like any of Frank Peretti's other books, you should like this one. I will warn you that this … Read more about House

2nd Anniversary

Yesterday was my wife and I's 2nd wedding anniversary. We were married in Peru on July 2nd, 2004. The time has flown by and I think we both feel that we have been married even longer than just 2 … Read more about 2nd Anniversary

Noel Update #2

Well, today has been another interesting day. After a third checkup at the second different hospital, and after numerous blood and urine tests and an ultrasound, the doctors seem positive that it … Read more about Noel Update #2

Noel Update

Today's checkup at the hospital went fairly well. This latest examination brought the doctors to the conclusion that Noel is NOT dealing with Chronic Appendicitus, as we previously thought. It instead … Read more about Noel Update