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This book (“The Gospel for Muslims: An Encouragement to Share Christ with Confidence” by Thabiti Anyabwile) has been sitting on my bookshelf for months, yet only recently did I decide I must stop procrastinating and read it. After all, I work with Muslims, I teach Muslim children, I have Muslim employees, I eat at Muslim restaurants, I buy Muslim (Halal) meat in the market, my son was born in a majority-Muslim town. If anyone needs to be soaking in as much teaching and encouragement regarding sharing the Gospel with Muslims, it is me. So I’m very glad I finally sat down to read this book. I was hooked after the first chapter. By the end of the second, I had already placed an order for six more copies that I plan on giving away to friends who are also focused on reaching Muslims with the Gospel. In short, this book is a must-read for any Christian, whether or not you come into regular contact with Muslims (if you don’t, this book will make you want to befriend some!)

Here is a quick outline of the book’s contents with my own mini-summaries of each chapter in italics below.

The Gospel for Muslims: An Encouragement to Share Christ with Confidence
By Thabiti Anyabwile

Introduction- The Triumph of the Gospel in a Muslim’s Life
     Muslims are coming to Christ!

Part One – The Gospel

Chapter 1- God by Any Other Name?
     God is Three and One (Ephesians 1:4-14) and Allah is not. This is essential.

Chapter 2- Man’s Sin: Resting Lightly on the Muslim Conscience
     Sin and hell are real and serious. Muslims don’t properly understand these realities.

Chapter 3- Jesus Christ: Fully God and Fully Man
     Jesus is THE Son of God, and must be known as such

Chapter 4- Jesus Christ: The Lamb Slain- and Resurrected!
     Korban (yearly Muslim holiday where lambs are sacrificed) is not a bridge! Only Christians believe in penal, substitutionary atonement!

Chapter 5- Response: There’s Repentance and Faith… and Then There Is Repentance and Faith!
     Distinguish Christian repentance and faith by using uniquely Christian language

Part Two – As You Witness

Chapter 6- Be Filled with the Spirit
     Be bold by being filled with God’s Spirit

Chapter 7- Trust the Bible
     Prove you trust the Bible by using it
Chapter 8- Be Hospitable
     Hospitality opens doors to evangelism with Muslims

Chapter 9- Use Your Local Church
     You’re not alone- use your church to share the Gospel

Chapter 10- Suffer for the Name
     Model Suffering for young MBBs (Muslim Background Believers) by suffering well for Christ’s sake (because they will certainly suffer for His sake!). Don’t fear suffering when sharing the Gospel with Muslims, but rejoice in God’s promises in Christ.

Chapter 11- The Good News for African American Muslims
     Use prior church experiences as a starting point when sharing with African American Muslims, and do not let racial or indentity issues distract from sharing the Gospel