
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I would love to start an initiative here in our corner of Asia to begin to reach out and disciple the thousands of physically and mentally handicapped people who are never given the chance in this culture to go to school or become a normal part of society. In fact, not only would I love to start something like this, but with God’s help I am going to do it!

This is something that has been on my heart for a long time. As a high school student, I worked in the evenings for a couple of years at both a nursing home and at a hospital for severely handicapped children. I would love to see the forgotten and the uncared for handicapped people that I pass all the time on the street and in the villages have the chance to be discipled and brought into the Kingdom. What a testimony of God’s grace would it be for us Christians to reach out to the people in China whom the Chinese people themselves have rejected as worthless!

It is just a matter of time before DAD Ministries (Discipling Asia’s Disabled) becomes a reality. I am currently looking at the cultural climate in the region where we live and minister to develop the best strategy to bring this goal to fruition!

Please pray with me for the countless thousands of handicapped people in Asia, that they would all have the chance to hear and understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Pray that we would have the grace and strength of the Lord as we go about this work to which He has called us.

If you want to in any way be a part of this initiative, please write me at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]