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I am not sure why the so-called Honduran “coup” has captured my attention as much as it has. I think it has something to do with the fact that the situation began just a few weeks after I confirmed my plans to visit Honduras next month on Aug 12-14.

(I’m travelling there to speak to a group of churches about how they can get involved in missionary work among the T*b*t*ns of Asia. It will be my first time to visit Honduras… and what great timing!)

Like most people, when I heard the “news” (think: Obamamaniamedia) that a so-called “coup” had occurred in Honduras, I was a little bit upset and worried for the Honduran people & my new friends in particular.

However, it wasn’t very long before I began receiving updates from our Honduran friends explaining what the REAL situation was in their country. There is definitely something to worry about, however it is not nearly in the way that I had first imagined.

So without further delay, please take a moment to read more REAL news from our friends in Honduras (specifically from missionaries Doug & Jan Houston):



We wanted to send out an update and prayer requests for the country of Honduras.  We don’t know how much coverage you are getting there about the situation.  Again, a good many of the news updates we read are basically only presenting one side (that of ex-president Zelaya).  This is partly because he is outside of Honduras right now and giving hundreds (literally) of interviews; as well, he has been supported by the international community with not too much regard given to the polemic incidents he was involved in before his ousting on June 28.  The story is a long one (as all stories are) and should be represented fairly.  This, to a large degree, has still not happened.   We can’t change all of that, but we can continue to inform you as best we can and join many in praying for this country.

We wanted to give you a very brief update about what is occurring presently in Honduras.  Mel Zelaya has tried two times to enter into Honduras from the Nicaraguan border (July 24 & 25).  Curfew has been in place near the border to avoid the accumulation of large crowds.   This is done to avoid violence.  Mr. Zelaya is inciting crowds to an insurrection which he continues to say is completely justifiable since he is the rightful president.  These actions have been criticized by many world leaders, but he is being instructed by Mr. Chavez and others with him.  Many Hondurans have crossed the border over the mountains to join him on the Nicaragua side.  He has told them he will provide them with shelter and food.  He plans to try again tomorrow (Sunday) using his supporters as a buffer between himself and authorities (of course, they are very willing to be his buffer).  The aim seems to be to continue provoking and inciting unrest among Hondurans with the possibility of actually entering the country forcibly (not by negotiations).

We want to clarify (at least from our perspective) a few things you may read or hear in the news:

1)       There is not repression of those who support Mr. Zelaya.  They are allowed to block roads, burn tires, write on walls and even destroy property.  Police and military try to protect people from both sides.  There has been a longer curfew on the border with Nicaragua, but this is not an intent to repress, rather to protect.

2)       Mr. Zelaya’s family has not been repressed.  They can leave the country to join him, but they have not done that.  His wife and mother were kept from going to the border by land just as all other Honduran citizens on Friday and Saturday.  The road was blocked by the military and police, once again, to ensure that a mob didn’t form which could have led to many deaths.

3)       The military and police have sought to not act in a violent and aggressive way even when provoked.  To maintain order, they have had to use tear gas.  Guns have been used sparingly. Only one person has been killed in the protests to this point.

4)       Most people try to go on with life as normal, work, etc.  There are protests with roadblocks that are random in nature and complicate life, but Hondurans are trying to move on.  However, Mr. Zelaya’s continued actions and words have produced tremendous fear, unrest and division, particularly on the Nicaragua border.

How do you pray?   One thing is clear: God has called us to humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wrong ways so He can heal our land (II Chronicles 7:14).  This implies it all has to start with us.  We see so much anger and hatred and pride here in Honduras.  But, what about in our own lives?  God has really challenged us to allow Him to work in our hearts so we will know how to pray for this country and its leaders.  If this national crisis can bring God’s children to look to Him and change our ways, change can come to this country, as well.

We’ve included some prayer points, but we also want you to ask God how to pray for Honduras.  These come for our perspective which is much more limited than God’s.  We are asking Him, though, to teach us to pray.  We hope these give you some things to think about as you pray for this country:

1)       Pray against the spirit of division, hatred and violence that has been growing more over the last few days, particularly due to inciting from Mr. Zelaya.  Please pray against an insurrection from within.

2)       Pray that Mr. Zelaya will not be able to return by force as this would mean returning with no limits on his power.  This would be devastating to the country’s future.  Pray against the influence and interference of Mr. Chavez.

3)       Pray for dialogue to resume and a peaceful solution to be reached that is the highest & best for Honduras.  Pray for humility and wisdom for the present leaders. 

4)       Pray for unity in the armed forces, police and present government.  Division would lead to tremendous violence and chaos.

5)       Pray against violence and unrest at the Nicaragua/Honduras border in the next 2 days, particularly.  Pray that arms/weapons would be kept out of the hands of protesters.  Pray against military involvement on the part of Nicaragua & Venezuela.

6)       Pray for the OAS, UN and US to protect Honduras from being unwillingly forced to follow an ideology the majority do not want here.  Pray for fair judgment and for the truth to come out so that real dialogue can take place and the best solution can be reached.  Tentatively, Mr. Zelaya is to talk with the US State Department on Tuesday.  Pray against Mr. Chavez’ influence in these talks.

7)       Pray that God will use this situation to bring a paradigm shift towards a democracy that works: checks & balances against corruption; leaders above reproach who lead with transparency & honesty, who are concerned for all social classes, who diligently work to bring Honduras out of a chronic state of poverty and a “victim mentality,” who can see the tremendous potential of this nation and its people.

8)       Pray for Jesus to reign and for Christians to humble themselves and turn from wrong ways so Jesus can heal this land.

Thank you so much for your patience with these updates and for your prayers.

Doug & Jan Houston