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Learning to Relax

I typically find it very hard to sit back, relax, and just ‘take a vacation’. The honest truth is that I simply do not enjoy not having anything to do. I thrive on being busy. And not busy with just anything. I enjoy being busy doing something important… something eternal.

So I am learning to relax and make the most of my vacation time. What I really want to learn to do better is to take advantage of this free time to spend with my wife Cindy and baby Gabriel. Being busy spending time with them is the most important work I can be doing as a husband and father.

Today we are still in Hong Kong, but we are moving from our current budget hotel out to an outlying island to spend the next couple of days in a hotel/retreat center called Bethany Ministries that was founded specifically for missionaries in Asia who want to get away and relax in a quiet and Christian atmosphere.