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Noel Still Recovering

Noel is still in the hospital recovering from his surgery. It is taking longer than expected for the pain to go down, mostly because the surgery itself was quite a bit more serious than normal.

Because of the severe pain that Noel was having the morning we took him to the hospital, the doctors thought that the appendix could have already ruptured or that something else might have been wrong. So, instead of making a small incision just to take the appendix out, they make a fairly large cut more in the stomach area to be able to explore a bit more and make sure nothing else was wrong.

Nothing was wrong, and the appendix had not ruptured, but the large wound remains. The cut itself is what is causing Noel so much pain now. He will probably end up spending about 5 nights all together in the hospital before getting to leave.

Thank you for praying for Noel throughout this week!