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Tibetan Road Trip #2 – Day 5

We have finally reached the farthest point from home that we will go on this trip. We are so far south on the Tibetan Plateau that we are closer to India (just a few hundred miles) than we are to my home farther up north.

Today, we head back the same way we came. It is a long road that will take us across literally dozens of 14 and 15 thousand foot mountain passes. But the best thing about the journey is that we will be taking 3 days to travel what we just finished doing in two days coming. So we will be able to take our time and not push ourselves too hard each day.

The city we are currently in is very beautiful. Pine forests cover most of the mountains. Deep, blue rivers run through the steep valleys. Because there is more wood available, homes here are made from timber as opposed to mud brick and yak dung farther north on the Plateau.

My dad isn’t feeling too great today. He woke up early this morning with a pretty bad headache. So please pray for him!

Also pray that we can traverse these roads once again without any car trouble or flat tires. And pray that we can share as much as possible with the people we meet each day!