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FYI: I am planning for this to my last blog on this platform. I am moving everything over to my new substack: I will also migrate the subscribers from this blog to that one.


Beloved Family, Friends, and Co-Laborers,

It has been such a joy to criss-cross America these past few months, literally from coast to coast and from border to border. The joy is not merely in the amazingly diverse scenery, but mostly in the gracious hospitality and loving encouragement of God’s people. We have been given countless opportunities to share what God has done during our past 20 years of ministry, as well as preach God’s Word in dozens (hundreds) of meetings in nearly every conceivable setting.

This has also been a year of anniversaries, but not the personal ones we normally remember. I’ve recently surpassed 20 years in both Peru and China, and 5 years since being deported from the latter. I’ll be 40 in August and my wife and I will celebrate 20 years next summer (the pic above was taken 19 years ago, just before we were married).

But let me share a few specifics, and how they relate to where God still has us working…

We Are Finally Back in Peru

After many months of travel, we are excited to continue our labors in evangelism, church planting, and training a new generation of Peruvian pioneer missionaries! Deysi and Abby (14) got a head-start in May on a special river mission trip to Peru’s central Amazon rainforest.

Exactly 21 years ago I set foot in Peru on my first ever overseas mission trip. Although I grew up in the Bible Belt, I had somehow missed out on the “rite of passage” summer trips to Mexico. Although I loved my time in Peru (Summer of ‘02), it wasn’t where the Lord would have me stay. Instead, it was from Peru where the Lord first opened the door for me to visit China!

Eyes on China

I first visited China in August of 2002 (just two weeks after returning from Peru) and my life would never be the same. I soon dropped everything (including my college scholarship) and moved to China full-time in 2003, and spent most of that year (20 years ago) criss-crossing the Middle Kingdom as an ambassador of Christ’s Kingdom.

I returned to Peru in early 2004, attempting to say goodbye (NW China was calling). But I “failed” and returned to China with Peru by my side (we’ve been married nearly 19 years now)! We served full-time in China from ‘04 until ‘18, when I was deported (5 years ago in May) and we were forced to leave our adopted home indefinitely.

After serving my 5 year “visa ban” and with covid (hopefully!) in the rear-view mirror, China is finally re-open for visitors. And we are going to attempt to enter again this fall. Pray that God would provide my visa (the family is already covered), and give us wisdom to plan the logistics for our long-awaited visit “home” to China!

PS. Please visit to learn which province to adopt in prayer!

Toluca to Tailandia (via Singapore, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, & Penang)

After an arduous journey from Mexico to Singapore, and then traveling overland across Malaysia, our long-time Mexican teammates (The Mendez Family) are finally in Thailand.

As I’ve written previously, they will be based just a few miles from the Golden Triangle, with all of its ethnic diversity and spiritual darkness, and Myanmar, Laos, and China all within 50 miles (as the crow flies). Also, wiith China’s doors creaking open, they will hopefully be able to reconnect with their long-time (10+ years) home up north from their secure base in northern Thailand.

Please pray for Jose, Eloisa, and their three boys (Danny-14, Sammy-12, & Haziel-9) to re-adjust to life in Asia, especially in a new field of service!


Please consider supporting Jose & Family (Mexico-Thailand/China):

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Check – Make payable to:  WMMD / PO Box 12609 / OKC, OK 73157 (Memo: #21313P)