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This weekend takes us back to the highest city in the world for the 4th time in 4 months (with a 5th trip planned for late Feb). Each time I take a different group of Peruvian missionaries in training to share the Gospel and take steps towards planting a church in this dirty, polluted, unchurched, unevangelized mining city of 20,000+ people living above 16,000 ft!. 

We continue to give out Gospels and tracts, but each new trip gives us the opportunity for dozens of deeper conversations. Pray for these divine appointments, as well as for more native missionaries and pastors to be raised up!

Please pray for our continued outreaches to this truly out-of-this-world location perched amidst the craggy glaciers of far southern Peru!


Guadalajara* to the Golden Triangle

It’s been nearly two years since my last trip to Asia (I flew directly over Wuhan, China, in early 2020, while it was the first city to be locked down). Many of our friends and co-workers have also been kept from returning to the mission field. But the time has come and we are preparing to send our Mexican teammates back to Asia in just a few months. Lord willing, they will be based near the Golden Triangle in northern Thailand, just miles from Laos and Myanmar, and less than 100 miles from China, where they will partner with a local (Chinese speaking) pastor/church planter, as well as help set up a base to receive future Latino missionaries. 

Please pray for Jose, Eloisa, and their three boys (Danny, Sammy, & Haziel) as they prepare to return to the field. (And contact us for info on how you can support them!)

*Jose (not pictured) isn’t really from Guadalajara, but it rhymed better than Xalapa or Veracruz


Christmas Channel

A few large donations have helped us continue with food and Bible distributions, especially during the recent Christmas season. It can be embarrassing when people assume that we are giving everything out of our own pocket, when in reality it is some of YOU who are sacrificing to provide for these needs. We are just the channel, the conduit, for the blessing. Inflation and unemployment are still a major problem right now and most people are extremely grateful for even a bag of groceries. But it has been wonderful to see many people just as hungry (or more so!) for the Word of God preached and printed.

Pray that God would provide for peoples’ physical hunger, but also grant a spiritual thirst that only Christ Himself can quench!


Coming to a Town Near You?

We will be spending quite a bit of time in the States starting in the Spring. It has been nearly six years (late 2015-mid 2016) since we last took a proper furlough to visit as many of our praying friends and supporters as possible. We would love to visit you and your church. Please reach out to compare schedules, especially if you are in Oklahoma (early March, late May), Pacific Northwest (late May, early June), Eastern Seaboard (mid-late June), or elsewhere (Aug-Dec). 


“All who are with me send greetings to you. 

Greet those who love us in the faith. 

Grace be with you all.” 

(Titus 3:15)


How to give:

Online –

Check – Make payable to:  WMMD / PO Box 12609 / OKC, OK 73157 (Memo: #21313P)

Stay in touch: 

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One response to “Back to the World’s Highest City (and other news)”

  1. Dear Brother and Sister in Christ’
    Always a pleasure to hear from you and see the pictures of family and places that you are working to feed both spiritually and materially. What a blessing you are to your mission.
    Praying for you constantly. May God keep you safe, and as your children work along side of you and spreading the gospel of Jesus, is reaching deep within their little lives and hearts to make them such great workers for the Lord. Praising the Lord that I can help in a small way to help you. Just know that you have a ninety year old woman that loves you and your family very much in Oklahoma City. Praying.