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Sponsor a newly trained missionary’s first journey to the Andes or Tibet, or help one of our long-term cross-cultural missionary families continue on the field…

(Patrocine uno de nuestros nuevos misioneros a los Andes o el Tíbet, o comprométase a apoyar una de nuestras familias misioneras interculturales a largo plazo…)

Donate Online (via Paypal)

Or to give by check, designate your gift “TibetAndina” and send to the following address:

(Para enviar un cheque, designe su regalo “TibetAndina” y envíelo a la siguiente dirección:)

Gospel to the Nations Ministries
PO BOX 326
Dayton, OH, 45405

All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you for serving with us!

If you have any questions or concerns, plese use the contact form below…

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