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Baby’s Arrival

Our beautiful baby girl was born at 6:09 p.m. CST! There were no complications whatsoever. Thank you for praying!   Unfortunately, our baby is still nameless… we are going to take the next few hours this evening to finally decide…

Abortion & Obama

Please take the time to read the following blog that I found today on the website of  Christian author, radio host, and seminary president, Albert Mohler @ The Abortion Question and the Future   by Al Mohler   The shadow of…

Escape from Hong Kong

I want to thank all of you who have been praying for Christian! He was finally granted permission to depart Hong Kong and he is currently sitting at the airport in Auckland, New Zealand awaiting the departure of the 2nd…


I saw “Fireproof” this afternoon and I highly recommend it! I already had high expectations coming in, but the movie went far beyond what I had hoped. The movie excelled in many ways, especially in dealing with tough issues like…

My chat with Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron’s new movie “Fireproof” opens tomorrow in theaters across the nation, but I had the chance to have him as my Bible prof this morning at 11 a.m. in one of my classes at the Ambassador’s Academy that I am…

On My Way 2 LA

I am heading to Los Angeles early tomorrow morning for evangelism training at the Ambassador’s Academy. Here is the promotional video for the academy. Every month, 50 or so people come from around the world to attend this mini-conference and hands-on evangelism…


I have read lots of great reviews about the movie “Fireproof” coming out this weekend (Sept 26-28), and I wanted to take a minute to recommend it to all of you. If you have a minute, please check out the movie’s website…