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Please help us to pray for this small community, which is part of the very remote Golden Dragon (Tibetan Buddhist) Monastery hidden in the mountains of western China.
I first stumbled upon this monastery in April of 2006, when travelling by motorcycle with a couple other short-term missionaries through a very remote region of east-central Tibet.
On that short visit to this monastery, which sits perched on this remote mountain-side, we were able to plant numerous seeds in the form of Tibetan-language Bibles and other literature.
I also remember well a conversation I had with a young monk about who the Creator of the Universe is and how important it is to know Truth. He had learned some Mandarin Chinese (as opposed to his native Tibetan) from some Buddhist missionaries from Taiwan.
I share this with you because this place is on my heart right now. Hopefully, I will soon be able to post a blog with the complete story surrounding my first visit to this place. It was one of the wildest, scariest, and coldest trips of my life!
This is a slightly edited version of something I originally posted back on September 16, 2008

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