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Tibetan Altitude Training in the Andes (learn more: tibetAndina)

In an update published way back in May, I mentioned we were on our way high up into the Andes for a long weekend of ministry. Those few days were amazing, full of prayer and preaching and fellowship. On top of that, we experienced the most amazing scenery I’ve ever seen (misty sunrise with glacier-clad 20k foot Andean peaks in every direction) on the final day of the journey. No exaggeration.

We were able to return to this breathtaking (albeit spiritually dark) region as a family in late July, and again most recently in late September: 

Two friends from the Dominican Republic joined up with two young men from Lima to go on an evangelistic backpacking trip over the highest range in the Peruvian Andes. The goal of sharing the Gospel locally AND training at high-altitude for future treks to forbidden regions of Tibet was a success, although the participants suffered through various stages of altitude sickness. As one of the guys (who has more than 20 years of missionary experience) put it:

“This was by far the most difficult trip I have been on.” (read more of his update here)

During the same journey, the Lord opened the door for us to minister in the large Andean prison again for the first time post-pandemic. After driving all night from Lima to make it on time, we preached, prayed, and gave out books and Bibles and eye-glasses to both prisoners and guards alike. Many of the inmates are hungry for the preached Word, good books and Bibles, and fellowship.

Praise God for safety on the highways and trails, open doors into the prison, and for soft hearts among all those who heard (and read) the Word!

The four trekkers on the highest pass (4,700 m/15,420 ft)

The World’s Highest City: Take Two

In early October we returned to the highest city in the world (16,400 ft. above sea level), the mining outpost (city!) of La Rinconada, for the first time in more than five years. I previously took a small team there in April of 2016 and have been wanting to return ever since. However, since we suffered so much from altitude sickness the first time (I shuffled around like an 85 yr old grandpa), we did things a bit different this time, taking an extra two days to acclimate nearby at “lower” altitudes (12,800 ft). This turned out to be a huge blessing and gave us much more energy for ministry! I felt fairly close to “normal” this time around and we had a wonderful time of ministry. Praise God for strengthening us both physically and spiritually!

The initial results?

More Gospels and tracts were distributed than I could count, along with dozens of deeper conversations, and the grand finale: an open air service in the plaza where the Gospel was proclaimed, and a number of men came forward in repentance and faith for prayer!

Please pray for our continued outreach to this truly out-of-this-world location amidst the craggy glaciers of far southern Peru, as we are making plans to return at least once a month!

2 responses to “The World’s Highest City & other Andean Adventures”

  1. Thank you for responding to God’s call on your lives. Offering God’s gift of salvation to those in the ends of the earth.

  2. Huge spiritual need wherever in the world we go. However I have never been to a country so open to the Gospel as Peru is. Not in Europe, not Israel, not elsewhere in the Americas. God be with you all!