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As if we weren’t hosting enough teams already this year (11, if I am counting correctly, see below for some highlights of our most recent teams), I just stumbled across some amazing airfares from the US to China for this fall (around $700 r/t).

It got me to thinking and I want to invite ANYONE who would like to come to China for a 10-15 day mission trip in either September or November to please contact me! We will be in China until the latter part of September, and there is a team already in the planning process that you could join.

Or, I could also host a team of at least 4-6 people in November (the 10 days before Thanksgiving) if we had enough interest.

Both of these teams would be primarily involved in distributing portions of scripture door to door in unreached Muslim and Buddhist villages, but would also include other opportunities, possibly including an orphanage and elderly home visit, student evangelism, and encouraging other long-term missionaries.

With airfare this inexpensive, and China living expenses fairly low, a trip to the “Middle Kingdom” could cost you less than a mission trip to Europe or Central America. Pass the word!

Fortunately, the reality shown in the picture below is no longer true in most places in China.

Please pray for more laborers to be called to fruitful ministry, both short and long-term, here in the foothills of Tibet!


Just to whet your appetite for China, here are a few highlights from the most recent four groups we hosted:

– My parents, Laban and Susie West, got to spend more than a month with us, from April 14-May 18. Needless to say, we were all blessed by their visit and sad to see them go.

– A team of 19 from the “World Race” (an 11 month round-the-world mission trip that takes them to at least a dozen nations) visited us from late April to mid-May. It was encouraging to see them connect with and share with so many people in such a short time!

– At the conclusion of a wonderful time of fellowship in Hong Kong with other missionaries from around the world, four special friends from the States got to spend an extra 10 days with us. The highlight was getting to introduce them to our adopted home, the foothills of Tibet, for the first time! Thanks for coming David, Irvina, Lauren, and Evelyn!

– Finally, we just said goodbye last night to John and Abel, two hard-working men who helped me take thousands of Gospel booklets into more than a dozen villages this week!

One response to “Autumn Mission Trip Invite: What are you waiting for?”

  1. Dear Bro Eugene,
    I wanted to join your fellowship a few months ago, but was in probation at a new job and couldn’t. I work as an editor and would like to share my calling with you in person. I have tried contacting you twice, and hope you will consider my request to join you in your work -in response to your invitation for a short period. If there is anything you would like me to learn beforehand, so that I can be an asset, to your ministry, do let me know.

    Thank you very much
    God bless you for your work.

