
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

After months of visiting family, friends, and churches in the USA, and winter mission trips to both Peru and China, we are finally resettling into our home in the foothills of northwest China!

We humbly thank all of you who have encouraged us, spent time with us, supported us, and most of all prayed for us as we continue our outreach to the neglected Muslim and Tibetan peoples of western China.

Here are a few prayer requests and praise reports that we would like to share…

1) Praise God for a safe travels in our return to China. It was a long journey, and not without some delays, but truly nothing compared to what missionaries went through in the days before air travel!

2) Pray for peace as we re-settle into our apartment and wisdom as we re-establish a schedule that will allow us to maximize our time both as a family and in the ministry to which we are called!

3) Pray for OPEN DOORS and BOLDNESS (say “Amen”, if you’ve heard me preach this sermon before!) as we continue seeking opportunities for ministry among the unreached Tibetan Buddhists and Chinese Muslims of our region…

Finally, I feel strongly that we are to focus our efforts in two primary ways…

First, to go invest the necessary time to go deeper than ever before in our most important friendships and ministry relationships with locals.

Second, to be relentless in our strategic efforts to target more and more areas that have never received any form of Gospel outreach.

Again, we want to thank you for your continued prayers and support! We were able to see many, but unfortunately not all, of you during our time in States. We are blessed to count so many amazing people as friends and partners in ministry!

For those of you recently signed up for our newsletter and are receiving this for the first time, here are a couple things for you to know:

1) Feel free to hit the “Reply” button and e-mail us back! Not nearly enough of you do that. Please don’t feel like we’ll be too busy to read and respond. Mutual encouragement is part of the ministry!

2) If you have forgotten or are wondering what’s the best way to donate, here is the link to our online giving page. And you can always send a check to the following address, with our account number (21041-S) included on the memo line:

World Missions Ministries 
PO Box 12609 
Oklahoma City, OK 73157

Thank you and may God bless and keep you this summer as you delight yourself in the Him!

The West Family

ps. look for pics below!


Phone: 405-266-2627 


Our first Sunday together back in Lanzhou, from more than 1,000 ft above the city!

Our first Sunday together back in Lanzhou, from more than 1,000 ft above the city!

Clockwise from top: Egg & Tomatoes, Sliced braised potatoes, Kung Pao Chicken, Garlic Sauteed Spinach…

Clockwise from top: Egg & Tomatoes, Sliced braised potatoes, Kung Pao Chicken, Garlic Sauteed Spinach

Somehow, we made through 5 flights and 6 transfers with all of this!

Somehow, we made through 5 flights and 6 transfers with all of this!

What happens near the end of an 17 hour trans-Pacific flight…

What happens near the end of an 17 hour trans-Pacific flight...

4 responses to “Home, Sweet n’ Smoggy, Home”

  1. I praise the Lord for each of you and pray for greater fruit in the days ahead. So glad we had a brief visit.

  2. Brother Eugene – I am so encouraged by your example. I will be praying for your requests above. God bless!